Volunteers at a recent volunteer breakfast.
Men with trucks are one of the most essential groups in fulfilling our mission to feed food-insecure children.
Trips to Roanoke to pick up orders from Feeding SW Va. and BJs Wholesale happen monthly.
Packed bags are delivered weekly to the elementary and middle schools.
Our volunteer packers really enjoy what they do !!!
For the 2022-2023 school year September to May we packed over 16,469 bags for food-insecure children in the Bedford schools.
Volunteers pack one or two items in every bag, then pass it to the next person in order to expedite packing 500+ bags every Thursday morning for the school year.
Once the bags are packed they are stapled closed to make it easier for the children to carry.
Thanks to Lake Christian Ministries, we are able to add bread to the weekend bags for the elementary students